Field Care Instructions

The beginning stages of your trophy mount starts immediately after the kill. Quality care of your specimen, from field to the taxidermists is of utmost importance. Bacteria starts developing quickly and spoilage can occur. The sooner your specimen is in the freezer and/or in the hands of the taxidermist, the better.

Game Heads

  • Fox Run Taxidermy will cape your trophy if you don’t know how to.

  • Do not cut down the back or up the brisket. When field dressing your trophy stop your cut at the bottom of the sternum.

  • Do not hang your trophy by the neck.

  • Keep the hide dry and clean.

  • Do not drag the animal, if possible. Use a deer cart or sled.

  • Get the animal to a taxidermist immediately or into a freezer.

  • If caping your own hide, know the correct method. Save plenty of hide. More is better, in this case. See photo for caping instructions.